​Joseph McDonough Scholarship Fund

This scholarship fund was established to honor Joseph P. McDonough - Holy Cross High School Class of 1961 - who passed November 30, 2020.
Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.
Contributions made to the Joseph P. McDonough Scholarship Fund provide scholarships and tuition assistance to students at Holy Cross Preparatory Academy.
Online Giving – Holy Cross is pleased to accept gifts online - Please go to the Lancer Fund Donation Page, and type in the Memo section: Joseph McDonough Scholarship Fund.
All information you provide to our online portal is completely secure.
Traditional Mail - COMPLETE THIS FORM, and mail it with a check or money order payable to The Lancer Fund to the address below. Please note on the check or form: Joseph McDonough Scholarship Fund.
The Lancer Fund
5035 Route 130 South
Delran, NJ 080757
For information about the Joseph McDonough Scholarship Fund, please contact:
John Langan
Director of Institutional Advancement
856-461-5400 Ext 3006