Holy Cross Preparatory Academy
2025 Ski Trip
January 30 - February 1, 2025 in Killington, VT
Ski Trip participants will be departing from school on Thursday, January 30th after 4th block, and returning Saturday night, February 1st.
Please direct any questions about the Ski Trip to the Ski Club Moderator Mr. John Williams at jwilliams@hcprep.org.
Round trip charter bus transportation
2 nights lodging
Breakfast Friday and Saturday
Two-day lift ticket
All students must have copies of an insurance card, and a signed Holy Cross Field Trip Permission Form. CLICK HERE to download Permission Form.
Hotel details and room prices are below (based on occupancy):
Comfort Inn Trolley Square
19 Allen Street
Rutland, VT 05701
(802) 775-2200
Option 1 = Double (fits two students) - $620.00 each
Option 2 = Triple (fits three students) - $550.00 each
Option 3 = Quad (fits four students) - $515.00 each
Payments may be made online using this link below (preferred), or by cash and personal checks to the Main Office.
Payments can be made NOW! Please observe the following payment deadlines:​
October 18, 2024 - First Payment of $200.00 (non-refundable)
January 17, 2025 - Balance Due